Friday, April 6, 2007

monica goodling has resigned -- snark included. . .

while her resignation means
precious little to the overall
landscape of purge-gate, it does
allow for some levity, so i'll oblige. . .

c.n.n. ran goodling's resignation
letter quote as "i am submit my
resignation. . ."

so -- in full snark mode,
i wondered whether she was
cousin to borat, or if she
lawyered as well as she typed. . .

in any event, there you have it.

now, her akin gumps bills will
likely be paid, lawfully, by
some affiliate of the r.n.c. . .

[a side note: as of 3/1/07, ken mehlman,
the former chairman of the r.n.c.,
rejoined akin gump as a senior partner. . .]

i suppose it is also worth noting
that her resignation letter did
invoke the divine infinite, in a
decidedly christian way, as her
farewell to alberto gonzales:

". . .May God bless you richly as
you continue your service to America. . ."

i assume she doesn't mean
that in the eastern, karmic
sense, for his karma will
likely bear riches of another
sort, come the 17th. . .

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