Tuesday, May 22, 2007

tithonia @ 209 -- from firedoglake -- wins "a not so trivial pursuit!"

[click to enlarge]

okay -- i posed an original
trivia question, earlier today
. . .

and, within twenty minutes, tithonia,
an astute reader at firedoglake, had ID'd
what i thought would be a pretty obscure
wood-cut -- shouldn't have used a web-
image, perhaps -- could have used an
entirely paper-printed one, i guess. . .

yes -- augustus hill garland, esq. suffers
the ignomy of being the last attorney
general -- or cabinet-level official of
any kind -- to be the subject of a "no
" vote in congress. . .

as irony would have it, he, too, refused
to turn over various papers to congress.
it seems his underlings authorized a fed-
eral-patent-interference-lawsuit designed
to benefit a stock investment he held in
one of the would-be-infringers of alexander
graham bell's telephone patents (and,
earlier-on, he refused to deliver
papers related to some u.s. attorney-
-- uncanny, no?!). . .

also very oddly, he testified before the
senate on another april 19 -- this
one being april the 19th of 1886. . .

and, so -- CONGRATS! -- tithonia!
the images are for you! woo hoo!

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