March 19 Blogswarm -- Denounce the War -- Five Years On: A Million Dead.
[click above image, to enlarge it.]
. . .At the outset of the Iraq war, the Bush
administration predicted that it
would cost $50 billion to $60 billion to
oust Saddam Hussein, restore order and
install a new government. Now, five years
later, the Pentagon says the cost of the
war is "roughly $600 billion and counting". . .
-- Joseph E. Stiglitz,
Nobel Prize-Winner,
there are hundreds of reasons to oppose
this awful, insane, greed-driven, attempted
oil-grab of a land war in iraq (and afganistan). . .
this post -- as part of this blogswarm,
will focus on the forced economic trade-
offs we made, by choosing to fund this
war, rather than address our own domestic
problems more adequately. all data is
courtesy of the national priorities project.
[if you follow the above link, you'll
be able to get all these same figures,
for your very own town, county and/or state.]
So, what ELSE could our war-dollars buy?
Well. . . taxpayers in my town have paid $204.5 million for the Iraq War, thus far. For the same amount of money, we could have provided:
Taxpayers in my metropolitan-city area have paid $5.5 billion for the Iraq War thus far. For the same amount of money, we could have provided:
The Bush Budget for Fiscal Year 2009 -- Iraq War Costs, Yet to Come
As the economy falters, the Cheney and Bush proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2009 would ignore the needs of Americans by cutting basic services, increasing tax cuts for the wealthy and pushing military spending to new highs. It would allow billions more for the war in Iraq at the expense of investments in my state's future.
War, Military Costs Would Escalate
Public Investment and the People of Illinois Would Suffer
The budget would cut back over 100 federal programs to address community needs -- the impact of just four of those programs, in my state:
The total amount of these cuts, $105.7 million, is what my state's taxpayers will spend on the Iraq war in just 7 hours. IN SEVEN HOURS!
Meanwhile, the Wealthy Get Huge Tax Breaks
Notes: NPP’s estimate of the cost of the Iraq War includes only incremental budgetary costs, not interest costs or future costs. The figure for funds already allocated is based on NPP analysis of legislation appropriating funding for the Iraq War. Iraq War costs for the remainder of fiscal year 2008 are from an NPP analysis of the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2009 Supplemental Proposals.
Projected war costs for fiscal year 2009 are based on testimony by Defense Secretary Robert Gates before the Senate Armed Serves Committee on February 6, 2008. NPP estimates assume the same allocation of funds to Iraq and Afghanistan as proposed in the President’s Supplemental Budget for the remainder of fiscal year 2008.
State-level cuts are based on tables in the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2009, Analytical Perspectives, Ch 8. Number of potential Community Development Block Grants communities are from HUD. The rate of inflation used was 2.1%, the CPI in Analytical Perspectives, Ch. 12.
Greenstein, Horney, and Kogan, The Dubious Priorities of the President’s FY 2009 Budget, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, February 4, 2008.
Arone-Dine, The Skewed Benefits of the Tax Cuts, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, February 4, 2008.
Tax cuts for richest 1% are based on Urban Institute/Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center calendar year estimates applied to fiscal year 2009. Community Development Block Grants assist local governments with community and economic development projects that primarily benefit low- and moderate-income people. Social Services Block Grants provide states with funds for childcare and employment services, admissions or referrals for institutional care, services to prevent neglect or exploitation, and other community services.
Well done.
Cost is a very important issue. Not only does the waste of money harm our economy, but Republicans don't understand loss unless it comes in the form of green mail.
You might just get the attention of a few. :)
thanks, capt. kona!
welcome to this small outpost
for the return of sanity. . .
do look back in, from
time to time. . .
n a m a s t e
Hey nolo! Great post here for Blogswarm. The entire Iraq war/occupation is obscene. Keep up the great work getting the info out as our corporate media isn't doing so.
thanks, DLS!
c'mon back, now, ya' hear?
n a m a s t é
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