Tuesday, February 5, 2008

CIA director michael hayden names names -- of those tortured by waterboarding

just a brief note, here. . .

per selise’s fine heads'-up @ EW's,
the names of those so-tortured, by
admission of the CIA, under oath,
are now in most MSM stories:

". . .The CIA director said the harsh
interrogation technique known as waterboarding was used on three top al Qaeda suspects: Khalid Sheik Mohammed — the purported mastermind of the 9/11 attacks — and Abu Zubayda and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. . ."

no surprises there. but significant — the
quote is from a WSJ story just out. . .

i highly doubt that this is
in any sense a complete accounting,
or a comprehensive listing. . . many,
many more to come, in the years ahead.

we shall see.

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