code-name: "white sangria!" -- VIDEO! -- paul mcnulty to testify before house judiciary committee at noon e.d.t. today
or, the "big boys, big girls" division. . .
this should be one big boy, answering one big
girl -- but, under oath, this time. . .
what will he have to say about this?
[an entirely incredible answer about
not knowing much about caging black
voters -- "and why so?", asks conyers.]
mr. mcnulty will likely be asked to explain
why, according to monica goodling's sworn, but
immunized testimony, he sent her away from one
of the early briefings on the attorney firings
on the hill. he'll also be asked to talk in detail
about mike elston, his chief of staff, and the
replacement for kyle sampson. should be a good
one. the above video link is to c-span3. the
hearing won't begin until noon, eastern.
in a moment, below, i'll link the house
real media live streaming video feed for the
hearing -- so, do check back.
here it is -- it will launch a stand-
alone realmedia player [while the link
at top, will feed windows mediaplayer
or realmedia or quicktime, from c-span]:
this ought to be entertaining.
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